Thursday, October 21, 2010

Juan Williams Fired

You might expect that the Fox Network's most frequently seen liberal had been let go by Fox.  You would be wrong.  No, Juan Williams was fired by that bastion of tolerance, NPR.  Yes, these are the people who get some of your money to put out propoganda for the left.  Why is it that the people who most often extol the virtue of tolerance seem to be the least tolerant? 

Juan Williams often takes positions with which I disagree.  However, I respect his opinions and appreciate the fact that Fox offers differing opinions.  Differing opinions do not seem to be respected by NPR.  Juan Williams told the truth about his personal feelings.  He added a variety of political correct statements, but they were not enough according to NPR.

Any funding for this group of liberals is as offensive to me as funding the Fox network would be to some.  I have learned, however, that my feelings don't count.  If I were only a Muslim or black or a woman or gay maybe my feeling would count. Actually I'm not at all certain that women can any longer be included in one of the special categories that liberals care about protecting.  There are lots of conservative women running for political office and they certainly are not accorded any special respect.

Want to know how liberals will protect your rights?  Take a look at NPR.  They take your money, schill for the left and thumb their noses at regular people.  They are just so much more sophisticated and educated than you poor dopes.  Join me and the rest of the unwashed in denying NPR any public funding.  Let George Sorros fund them; after all his positions are their positions. 



Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ole Miss Black Bear

Well it is finally settled.  The University of Mississippi has decided on the black bear as its on field mascot.  You might remember that in a move designed to not offend all those people who could care less about Ole Miss and offend those who deeply cared for the University; Ole Miss removed Colonel Reb several years ago.  Using the same logic they also quit playing Dixie. 

Now we can enjoy the spectacle of the Ole Miss Rebels being led on the field by a black bear.  Let me go on record right now as saying that I am deeply offended by the use of the black bear.  Why must we inject race into everything?  Why couldn't they just be the bears?  Why does it have to be a black bear?  Maybe it should be an African American bear. 

Is it a rebel bear?  What does the black bear have to rebel against?  Maybe being adopted as a mascot by a mediocre university running from its past. 

Monday, October 11, 2010

Obama Attacks Chamber of Commerce

In the world of Obama, a truly "through the looking glass world" for sure, it is quite proper for the President of the United States to attack the Chamber of Commerce as an agent of evil foreigners.  These are the same people who made certain you could not tell where their contributions came from during the presidential election.  If foreign money was coming to them, well they just didn't want to know.

If this is an issue about which many Americans are concerned, I'll be surprised to say the least.  With the economy, and just about everything else the government has touched lately, a complete disaster it is more than amazing that the Democrats have chosen to attack the Chamber of Commerce.  Then again if they have nothing positive to talk about or even spin, maybe this is all they have. 

A quick view of Hardball with Chris Matthews revealed he is down to interviewing an actor who participated in a GOP ad.  The purpose of the interview seemed to be that the actor really had no knowledge about the politician he was talking against.  This is a surprise?  I bet you could get hundreds of actors who have participated in all types of ads for politicians and products who are merely reading the words they have been given.  There truly seems to be no limit.

Lawyers know the old saw:  When the law is on your side pound on the law; when the facts are on your side pound on the facts; when neither is on your side pound on the table.  It has truly been a long time since we have seen so many pounding on the table. 

You cannot vote for a Democrat and not be voting for Pelosi, Obama, and Reid.  It matters not how conservative the candidate is.  Electing a Democrat to any post will be taken as approval of the Obama administration.  If you approve, then of course vote for the Democrat.  If you don't, no vote for a Democrat is acceptable. 


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Government Stimulates the Dead and Incarcerated

There is some disagreement on whether the so-called stimulus bill actually stimulated much of anything.  Of course it did stimulate government spending, which by most accounts is not a good thing.  As a reminder, the government doesn't have any money.  They either take yours or they print funny money that devalues yours.  To make it perfectly clear; whatever hairbrained scheme the government comes up with it is a scheme you pay for.

In addition to government programs being less than effective they have one other little problem.  Government programs, as with any type of "free" money program, are subject to a fantastic amount of fraud.  Okay there is just one more problem with government programs, they are terribly inefficient.  Much of the money is stolen; much of it is given to the wrong people;  and too often even that small portion that actually is spent as intended helps almost no one.

Seventy nine thousand or so of the dearly departed were mailed stimulus checks from the government.  One wonders where the dead spent their stimulus money and of course we didn't know the dead could be stimulated, but that's another topic.  Just another example of your government at work.  And these are the folks you want to run your health care?  Are you kidding me?

A few million dollars was also sent to prisoners.  That was explained by saying that many of the prisoners were actually entitled to the money.  Excuse me all to heck.  How could someone who has violated the law and used our legal and law enforcement resources and is currently living off the taxpayers, be entitled to stimulus money?  Please tell me that doesn't make sense to you even if you consider yourself to be a liberal.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Congress Is Not A Fraternity

All we hear from the enlightened talking heads is that these tea party, right wing, candidates will have to change if they are elected to Congress.  They will have to compromise, and get along if they want to get anything done.  Yeah?  How has that been working for us? 

Congress is not a fraternity and compromise is not a religion.  Of course you can compromise on the way to achieve certain goals.  What you cannot do is compromise your basic principles.  If the bus is being driven over a cliff you cannot compromise on the speed at which it travels.  There is no compromise; the bus must be turned around.  Our nation is rapidly heading for the cliff.  We cannot compromise on changing direction.

Those elected to Congress may be friendly or ill tempered; I don't care.  I do care about how they represent the conservative electorate who put them in Washington.  There are truly despicable people in Congress who will destroy this nation if not stopped.  However it is done; whatever steps must be taken;  this nation has to be rescued from those who either through ignorance or evil intent are well along in the process of its destruction.

If nothing gets done because our representatives refuse to compromise their principles, so be it.  This nation will be better off with nothing getting done.  At least we will have stopped the bus.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Nicky Diaz Go Home

In case you have missed the news lately, Nicky Diaz is the poor illegal immigrant who was forced to work for a rich white woman in California.  She was taking a job no "American" would do.  You know, one of those $23 per hour jobs for driving the rich white woman's children around and running errands.  Yes, it was no doubt hell.  Fifteen hours per week.  One wonders how she survived for nine years in this sweatshop.

Speaking of one of those jobs no "American" would do, I may have to differ.  Offer me $23 per hour for 15 hours a week and I'm your man.  It is such a shame that the rich white woman could find no "American" to do the job.  Of course she believed poor Nicky was in the country legally.  Why?  Maybe because she went through a legitimate employment agency or maybe it was the false social security number or fake driver's license.  Of course none of that is poor Nicky's fault.

It is not enough that our poor Nicky has taken advantage of the country and broken a variety of laws for a number of years, now she is having an impact on a gubernatorial election.  One has to wonder about Nicky.  For some reason after nine years she chose to confess her misdeeds to the rich white woman.  The rich white woman had to fire her at that time or risk breaking the law herself.

It was not enough for the loons on the left of course.  The rich white woman must be an evil person according to them and undeserving of holding a political office.  As a rather famous comedian once said, "You can't fix stupid."

The head of Homeland Security was on television last night and she couldn't say what would happen to our Nicky.  Nicky is in the country illegally.  She has admitted violating the law.  She may have influenced a major election.  The mere fact that the federal government has not taken action is another indication that we have a government that refuses to protect us.  Violate the law in Mexico (assuming you are not a member of a drug cartel) and you will wind up in jail or deported.  Violate the law here and nothing happens.

In conclusion, I ask that Nicky voluntarily go home.  Our government has neither the brains nor courage to protect us.  We are at the mercy of people like Nicky to do the right thing.  Pretty please, Nicky.  

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

California Welfare

You just have to love the good citizens (and the many resident non-citizens) of California.  Even though the state is drowning in debt and people are leaving in droves, they still have plenty of money for food stamps.  To make it easier for the food stamp recipients they issue them debit cards, how thoughtful.  The good folks of California don't want the food stamp recipients to be in any way inconvenienced. 

It seems that the good folks of California who are on the receiving end of the food stamp debit cards, don't just hang around the house searching the want ads for jobs.  No indeed.  These food stamp recipients are out living the good life.  They take those debit cards to Vegas.  The sky is the limit when it is OPM (other peoples' money.)

So we have the hard working taxpayers of California, whose main fault is electing idiots to run their state, working away just trying to make ends meet.  The food stamp recipients, on the other hand, are traveling the world on cruise ships and gambling in Vegas.  Only in America, or should I say only in California?   

Friday, October 1, 2010

California Dreaming

Dear California voters it is now your turn to cast your ballots for Governor, Senator and a variety of other offices.  The great thing about this country is that you can vote for anyone.  You could vote for a sea turtle if you wish, and Lord knows I wish you had instead of the empty suits you have voted for in the past.  Once again you are afforded an opportunity to turn your state from certain ruin.  It is doubtful you will do this, but you have the chance.

If you choose to vote for "Call me ma'am" and the left over flower power child I only have one warning.  Do not come crying to the rest of this nation for a bailout.  You are not too big to fail; you are not too stupid to fail;(close call) and we are not going to save your bacon.

Most of the time you brag about your ability to be different.  That can be a good thing.  You thumb your nose at laws relating to immigration.  You regularly act as if you are a superior class of people.  (That you have in common with the northeast elites).  Yes, California revels in its ability to go a different route.

Dear Californians, we don't care if you go a different route.  We don't care if you drive your car off the cliff even though we've told you that is what you are doing.  No, we don't care.  But don't you ever come hat in hand to the federal government and expect the citizens of the rest of this country to bail you out. 

Elect "Call me ma'am" and flower power and you are on your own.