Thursday, May 26, 2011

Secret Democratic Plan To Destroy Medicare

Dateline: Classified. Secret Democratic plan to destroy Medicare discovered. After working undercover in an undisclosed location for several months we have learned of a Democratic plan to destroy Medicare. The plan is simplicity itself and consists on only two parts.

Part one of the plan is to demonize all Republican or other suggestions for saving Medicare. Ads showing Paul Ryan pushing an old woman in a wheel chair off a cliff for example. Refuse to come up with a plan yourself; easy since your plan is secretly to destroy it. Use Nancy Reagan's slogan, “Just Say No.”

While part one is simple, the importance of it cannot be overstated. Demonize, demonize, demonize! While attacking any suggestions to save Medicare you ignore the fact that you have failed to put forward a plan of your own. You also want the American people to forget that fact as well. It is essential that you not allow an adult discussion of the issue. It is important that you not ever reach a point of negotiations on a plan to save Medicare.

Part two of the plan is even easier. Do nothing. Do nothing on one hand and demonize on the other. The result of this is that Medicare will run out of money in a very few years. Since it is an undeniable fact that Medicare will run out of money in a few years and therefore cease to exist, doing nothing can have only one result. Yes, the end of Medicare. Stay tuned for Democratic after Medicare plan.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Republicans Search For Old White Man

Yes, it is definitely true. Establishment Republicans are once again in a desperate search for an old white man to run for President. Establishment Republicans are for the most part northeastern liberal Republicans, or as they are more frequently called, moderate Republicans.

These are the people who have given us Bob Dole and John McCain to name a couple of candidates who became a footnote in history. They keep putting up names like Daniels (whose wife told him no) and now Huntsman. People who are, you know, in the mainstream. Yeah, Democrats light, destined to lose and drag the party down with them.

There are solid conservative candidates out there, but the old line Republicans fear them as much as they do Obama. I for one would love to see Bachmann or Cain or Perry or just about anyone who isn't bought and paid for by the Republican elites become the next candidate. Even if they lose, they would stand for something.

Frankly if the American people re-elect Obama there is not much hope for our future. We need a candidate who is not afraid to take on Obama and his failed policies.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thanks Mr. President

In these times of economic troubles I just don't think we take time out to thank our President for all that he is doing. So I would like to say, “Thank you, Mr. President.” Let me just take a few moments to let you know what you've done for me.

My RV is safely parked and stored for the next couple of months. Yes, these are the times I would normally be driving it and wasting fuel, but thanks to your energy policy I can't afford gas for it. So instead of traveling across the country I'm just parking the RV and staying at home. This year there won't be the northeastern trip to see summer in Maine. There won't be a trip to the Oregon coast or even to the beaches of Florida. No, thanks to your efforts at preventing oil drilling, we will be staying put.

I spent this Sunday afternoon cutting out coupons from the paper in hopes of saving a few dollars on the groceries. My first stop after church was at the dollar store for a dollar paper. They were out. The lady told me that people were actually lined up at the store when it opened at 9 this morning to buy papers for the coupons. I had to buy my paper at Wal-Mart for $2. So thanks to your policy of printing more and more money I am learning new skills and the newspaper business is getting back on track.

I've had to cash in some of our savings this year so once again, thanks to you, I'll be paying less in income tax next year. None of that pesky interest to add into my income. My wife had a hair cut from one of the local beauty colleges. The list of what you are doing for me goes on and on.

Next week I'll be going with a friend to get a free oil change for my car. Thanks to you I really could use a free oil change. This will give me the opportunity to spend quality time with a friend and it is all because of you. We own two cars, one 12 years old and the other 4 years old, but we seldom have gas for both at the same time. We plan our trips to save fuel. I can only imagine the great impact this has on the environment. Of course your flying around on Air Force One probably isn't helping things, but there are lots of us you have forced to live the simple life so it all balances out. At least you are living the high life.

When I first retired our motto was, “Everything we need and much of what we want.” Thanks to you we have a new motto. “Most of what we need and occasionally something we want.” There are millions of people out there supporting you, so I can only assume they enjoy the challenges of living with less. So I'm now requesting free samples on the Internet and trying to sell a few books. Is Wal-Mart still an option? Thanks Mr. President.

RV Fun and Facts will help you decide if an RV is for you.  Dog Supplies and Training  can link you up with great savings on dog supplies, food and medicine as well as great information on the care and training of your dog.  It's A Kean World has some fun articles and a list of available books.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Clean Your RV Awning For $1

Our new RV has an awning and while they are nice, nobody wants to sit under an awning covered with mold and mildew.  Unfortunately my awning was becoming quite the eye sore.  I asked several people what they used to clean their awning and they each had an answer involving purchasing some cleaning product that was relatively expensive. 

Being on a tight budget while saving for a future trip, I ventured into Dollar Tree and purchased a bottle of their regular car washing liquid.  I did note the bottle indicated it was also good for RVs and awnings.  I next took the RV to the front of my house and rolled out the awning.  Using a ladder, a soft bristled brush with a long handle, a high pressure nozzle and the aforementioned dollar store car wash liquid, I cleaned the awning quite well.

First I used the high pressure nozzle to wash off what it could.  Then, after not being able to  find my collapsible can, I made do by pouring the liquid directly onto the brush. With a little elbow grease the awning cleaned up just fine and I used more of the dollar store car wash to wash the entire RV.

In the future I will try and extend the awning as much as possible after rain.  This should help keep it free from mold.  For more RV related information including; How To Decide If An RV Is Right For You  please check out my web site RV Fun and Facts.  In case the link doesn't work it is located at:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Can You Travel Cheaper In An RV?

Can you travel cheaper in an RV? It is a question often asked by those considering the purchase of an RV. It is a question without a simple answer. For most people the answer is likely no. However, depending upon the type of RV you have and the manner in which it is used, the answer for you could be yes.

Are you looking for travel with all the amenities of a luxury hotel? If so, you likely will not save money in an RV. This is so because your unit will cost a lot upfront and you will be staying at more expensive, luxury type, RV parks.

On the other hand, if you make traveling cheaper a prioriity and do some work, you can see the country in an RV better and possibly cheaper than in a car or plane. For example, there are a number of places where you can stay for little or no money. National forests provide many camping opportunities for free and many for very little money. State parks can be an economical way to spend a week or two. Most have discounts for seniors.

You can grab a night's sleep at many Wal-Marts and state welcome centers while you are on the road. There are a variety of clubs you can join for heavily discounted rates. Do an Internet search for free camping and you will find links to sites that list places to camp that are free. With a little work you can also find county parks and parks in smaller towns with extremely reasonable rates.

Remember that you will have the ability to do your own cooking and if that is something you enjoy, then you can save a bundle. Don't forget National Parks and the discounts they offer. Keep your eyes and Internet open and you will find groups that specialize in camping for free, also known as boondocking. There is at least one group on Yahoo.

Most privately owned RV parks now charge $30 and up per night. State parks can run from $15 to $35 per night. However, with planning you can spend a couple of nights at a park and then one or two in free sites. As an example we have spent a couple of nights at the Clinton Library in Little Rock. There was no charge and they were happy to have us tour the library.

One big thing to remember is that traveling in an RV is not like traveling in a car. It is a different way to see the country. If you enjoy RV travel, cost will not be the deciding factor.

For more RV information including Jack's latest book, How To Decide If An RV Is Right For You, check out RV Fun and Facts.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

When Not Using Your RV

Sometimes when thinking about buying an RV people forget that much of the time it will simply be stored somewhere.  You've probably seen those retirement homes with the RV garage built into the house, but I suspect you don't have one of those.  Almost nobody else in the real world does either.

If you live in a rural area or have a large lot it might be possible to keep your RV close to the house.  This is the best situation for a variety of reasons.  It is close so you can take care of routine cleaning and maintenance.  You can also hook up electricity and possibly not have to winterize.
However, if you don't fall into one of the above categories spend some time looking around for appropriate RV storage facilities.  You want security of course, but also ease of access. In a perfect world you will find a covered storage facility on concrete with electrical hookup.  Please call me when you find that for under $150 a month.

Storage costs will vary by area, but a minimum of $50 per month up to $150 is not unusual.

For more good RV information and some great travel photographs check out