Sunday, August 8, 2010

JAYCO Denies Responsibility

We bought a new RV about a month ago.  I checked it out six ways from Sunday, though I'm not exactly sure what that phrase means.  Most everything seemed to be working just fine.  Now if you have never bought a motor home just think of it like buying a house and a car attached.  There are a lot of systems to understand and you can lose the little things when figuring out how the big things, like AC, work.  I lost one of the little things.

That's not to say it was all my fault.  I just read the label and assumed the label meant what the label said.  Ooops!  My bad.  Yep, it is there today.  The sign on my radio says, "Sirius ready."  I looked up the word ready in the dictionary and it means pretty much what the entire free world believes it to mean: except for Jayco.

The best I can tell is that Jayco believes Sirius ready means the radio is ready for you to buy some additional parts so that it is really ready.  Hmmm.

So while I'm pretty well satisfied so far with the RV; just a note of caution.  If you are thinking of buying an RV from Jayco, don't believe anything until you try it out.  Of course that is pretty good advice for anything you purchase.

When I'm riding down the road not listening to Sirius I'm thinking bad thoughts about Jayco.  But if ready doesn't mean ready Jayco, then I'm pretty confused about that warranty thing.

Thank you for taking the time to contact Jayco Customer Service. Your comments and questions are important to us. I will pass along your thoughts to our sales department.
 Jayco did not come up with the phrase "Sirius Ready", Sirius satellite did. It is not our intention to hide information from the consumer. When you purchase an aftermarket radio it will say Sirius ready right on them. This does not mean that all the components needed are internal of the radio. No, more parts are needed to get the system functional but they don't tell you that.
 I am sorry to hear of your expressed dissatisfaction. If we can be of assistance in the future, please let us know.
Thank you,
Craig Newcomer
Customer Service
I did not expect Jayco to blame someone else.  I expected Jayco to stand behind the representations made both within the RV and by the sales representatives.  It is always disappointing when you pay a lot of money for a product and find that the company hides behind another company's failure.  I didn't buy a radio, I bought an RV.  If I had bought the radio at Best Buy and it said Sirius ready, I expect the salesperson would have provided me with all of the information I needed at that time.  Then I would know that in the their world, Sirius ready meant something other than Sirius ready. 

The confusion, intended or otherwise, is that in some RVs, (Jayco or other brands) there were stickers indicating 6 months or a year of free Sirius.  This, combined with the Sirius ready sticker on the radio led me to the obvious if incorrect conclusion that the radio was, in fact ready for Sirius radio

Stuff happens.  When I found the TV had not been installed in the unit I purchased, I went ahead and took delivery assured that the TV would be installed.  It was, though there seems to be a connection problem from the antenna to the rear TV.  In that case I had the opportunity to see a potential problem and make an informed decision about what to do.  In the case of the radio, it simply was and is misleading. 

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